Browsing CategoryAsia

Cultural Traditions in Tokyo

When visiting Tokyo, it is helpful to be aware of the city’s culture. You want to assimilate with the locals without showing unintentional disrespect. Here is a look at certain traditions that may not be well-known to first-time visitors of Tokyo. Historical Culture Before visiting Tokyo, it is important to be aware of the area’s traditions and ancestry. Many customs have been in existence for centuries. Japanese people have deep cultural roots and continue to incorporate their beliefs into everyday life. Although some of the customs may seem unusual, learning how to act and blend with the residents will make…

Falling in love with South Korea via your mobile

  Tourists and expats of South Korea often want to quickly immerse themselves in Korean culture because it has so much to offer. Thankfully, some facets of the Korean lifestyle can be seen and experienced with the help of technology, particularly through mobile apps. Tech-savvy tourists of today draw help from mobile apps to explore the hidden gems of a country. eMarketer estimates that there will be 1.75 billion smartphone users by the end of this year, which is a major progression from the 1 billion users estimated by the parent company of UK-based entertainment site Pocket Fruity. The statistics…