Posts Tagged“South Korea”

Avoiding Malaria When You Travel


One of the most serious viruses you can contract while travelling is malaria. It can be fatal, if it is not treated quickly enough and properly. You should know how to handle malaria if you contract is as well as what you can do to ensure that you prevent the mosquito bites that lead to malaria. Protect Your Skin The best way to keep yourself safe from malaria is to make sure you don’t contract it in the first place. You can do that by keeping mosquitos at bay. They are the ones carrying the virus, so a strong mosquito…

Falling in love with South Korea via your mobile

  Tourists and expats of South Korea often want to quickly immerse themselves in Korean culture because it has so much to offer. Thankfully, some facets of the Korean lifestyle can be seen and experienced with the help of technology, particularly through mobile apps. Tech-savvy tourists of today draw help from mobile apps to explore the hidden gems of a country. eMarketer estimates that there will be 1.75 billion smartphone users by the end of this year, which is a major progression from the 1 billion users estimated by the parent company of UK-based entertainment site Pocket Fruity. The statistics…